
How To Use A Lensometer

All About Manual Lensometer & parts and functions of lensometer, working principle of focimeter (vertometer), optics, calibration, and procedure to read ability in the spectacles, bifocal glasses, progressive lens, and prism.

Tabular array of Contents

  • What is a manual lensometer?
  • Working principle of lensometer
    • Automated vs Transmission Lensometer
    • Uses of Lensometer
  • Manual Lensometer Parts and Role
    • Optics of manual lensometer
    • Manual Lensometer: Related Terminology
  • How to use a transmission lensometer smoothly?
    • Calibration of Lensometer
  • Structures seen through a manual lensometer
    • The lensometer Reticle (Graticule)
    • The Target
    • Determining the power of spherical lenses in a manual lensometer
    • Determining the power of sphero-cylindrical lenses in a manual lensometer
    • Process of toric lens power measurement in a manual lensometer
    • How to read add power on lensometer?: For bifocal and progressive lenses
    • How to read prism on lensometer?
    • How to read prism on lensometer if prism power is greater than 5 prism

What is a manual lensometer?

A lensmeter or lensometer or focimeter or vertometer (manual or automatic) is a microscope.

The manual lensometer is divers as an ophthalmic instrument that is mainly used by optometrists or opticians to measure out the back-vertex (or forepart-vertex) power of the eyeglasses and contact lenses.

The procedures and techniques of using a lensometer are known as lensometry (lenso=lens, metron=measurement) or focimetry.

To mensurate the power of the contact lens, special lens support or lens holder is used in a manual lensometer.


Working principle of lensometer

What is the working principle of the lensometer? The manual lensometer is based on the Badal principle.

For precise detection of parallel rays at neutralization, an astronomical telescope is used. The Badal principle is Knapp's law applied to focimeter.

Manual lensometer and automated (digital)) lensometer are 2 varieties commonly seen in ophthalmic and optometric practices, and optical dispensing.

In focimeter, green (or yellow) light is used as a target to eliminate the upshot of chromatic aberrations.

It tin can measure out the ability of eyeglasses and contact lenses ranging from +20.00D (diopter) to -xx.00D

A manual lensmeter is a telescopic optical device equipped with an optical system and a rotatable target illuminated by a calorie-free source.

Automated vs Manual Lensometer

Manual Lensometer Automated (digital) Lensometer
-gives the accurate power of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and prisms and is by and large seen in optical industries.
-information technology is portable as dry cells or rechargeable batteries are used
-crave better ideas and special cognition to use and handle.
-more accurate only non as fast equally a digital lensmeter.
-fully automatic well-programmed musical instrument that is mostly seen in clinics.
-easy and faster compared to a transmission lensometer and can impress readings of the lenses.
-less accurate when compared to a transmission lensmeter.

Uses of Lensometer

Both transmission and digital vertometers are used to determine the following characteristics of lenses and prisms:

-ability of unmarried vision, bifocal, trifocal lenses

-power of multifocal (progressive or varifocal) lenses

-optical center location

-major reference point location

-cylinder axis orientation

-prism ability/management

-It is also used during the fabrication process to place marks on the lens to ensure proper placement of the lens.

Manual Lensometer Parts and Function

The following manual lensometer parts are ordinarily seen in all types of focimeters.

  • The Eyepiece
  • Chrome Knurled Sleeve (Reticle Adjustment Knob)
  • Prism Compensating Device Knob
  • Lens Holder Handle
  • Marker Device Control (Lens Marking)
  • Gimbal (Lens Holder)
  • Ink Pad
  • Spectacle Table Lever
  • Spectacle Tabular array
  • Power Drum
  • Locking Lever
  • Prism Centrality Scale
  • Prism Compensating Device
  • Prism Diopter Power Scale
  • On-Off Switch
  • Cylinder Axis Wheel
  • Filter Lever
  • Lamp Access Cover

Transmission Lensometer Parts and Function:

  1. The Eyepiece

It is mounted in a screw-type focusing mechanism. It plays an of import function in the accurateness of the reading.

So, it is essential to focus the eyepiece on the individual centre (co-ordinate to the refractive condition) of each user. The rubber baby-sit is used to foreclose the scratching of the user's eyewear.

two. Chrome Knurled Sleeve (Lensometer Reticle Aligning Knob)

It is used to rotate the lensometer Reticle to orient the prism base.

iii. Prism Compensating Device Knob

Used to read prism amounts greater than five prism diopters. New models of lensometers take an attached rotary prism to dial in 0 to 25 prism diopters.

4. Lens Holder handle

Holds a lens in place against the discontinuity.

five. Marking device control (Lens Mark)

Pins controlled by the handle and used to spot (mark) the lens either at Prism Reference Point or Optical Center.

6. Gimbal (Lens Holder)

The lens holder holds the lens in place while taking a reading. Gimbal is a circular slice that swivels with legs and touches the lens and holds it firmly for taking readings.

7. Ink Pad

It holds the spotting ink. Pins of marking device control and ink need to exist replaced and re-inked regularly.

8. Spectacle Table Lever

It is used to raise, or lower the level of the spectacle table.

9. Spectacle Table

The resting identify for the spectacle frame while neutralizing lens power.

10. Power Drum

The ability drum is a hand wheel with numbered calibration readings between +20.00 to -20.00 Diopter. The reading interval in calibration is usually in 0.12 diopters steps and the steps for higher powers are 0.25 diopters.

11. Locking Lever

Information technology is used to elevate or depress the position of the instrument for an private's height or posture.

12. Prism Centrality scale

Used for orientation of prism axis.

13. Prism Compensating Device

It is used for verifying a large amount of prism.

fourteen. Prism Diopter Ability Scale

It displays a prism amount.

fifteen. On-off Switch

Power switch

sixteen. Lens Stop

Information technology is the discontinuity against which the lens rests.

17. Cylinder Centrality Wheel

It is used to orient and neutralize the cylindrical axis.

eighteen. Filter Lever

Used to engage or remove the green filter.

nineteen. Lamp Access Comprehend

Information technology provides admission to modify the manual lensometer bulb.

Parts of Manual Focimeter

Optics of manual lensometer


thick and thin lines used as measurement images in a lensometer


a lens with power being similar in all meridians. It is used to correct simple refractive errors (myopia or hyperopia, too presbyopia). It is measured in diopter.


a lens with different refractive power in unlike meridians. It is used to correct astigmatism. It is also measured in diopter.


meridian of cylinder lens with the minimum refractive power. It is perpendicular to the meridian with maximum power. It is expressed in degrees.


It is a wedge-shaped, transparent textile with ii flat surfaces inclined at a specific bending and connected at a betoken chosen the apex.

The 2 flat surfaces residuum on the base of operations of the prism. Information technology is used to refract or bend lite in the required management.

It is used in ophthalmic lenses mostly to assistance the eyes to piece of work together (by compensating deviations, field loss, etc.).

How to utilise a manual lensometer smoothly?

  1. Set the manual lensometer on a stable surface, at the comfortable viewing position
  2. Focus the eyepiece of the manual lensometer each time the instrument is used
  3. Bank check the power drum for proper calibration of the manual lensometer
  4. Identify the eyeglass on the movable spectacle tabular array
  5. Make up one's mind the power of spherical lenses
  6. Decide the power of sphero-cylindrical lenses

Calibration of Lensometer

It ways adjusting the device to perform smoothly to get the accurate power of the lenses.

-an eyepiece should be focused manually, each fourth dimension while determining the power of private lenses

-fix the lensmeter on a stable surface, at the comfortable viewing position

-set ability drum to null, "0"

-the device should be clean, complimentary of mistake, and all the knobs should be adjusted correctly

-set up the prism compensator to cipher

Focusing the eyepiece

Information technology is necessary to focus the eyepiece of a manual lensometer each fourth dimension the instrument is used, to avoid erroneous readings.

-rotate the eyepiece counter-clockwise until fully extended, as far as possible, from the musical instrument

-the lensometer reticle (graticule) now appears blurred, while viewing through the eyepiece.

Gently rotate the eyepiece in the clockwise direction until the mires (target crosshairs) and the lensometer reticle merely come into focus.

-rotating the eyepiece continuously forces the viewer to adjust, to go on the reticle in focus.

-with the power drum at nil, the mires and lensometer reticle should be in focus. The inappropriate focus of the eyepiece results in an incorrect reading of lens power.

Check the power calibration

-with no lens or a Plano lens in position, wait through the eyepiece of the lensometer. Turn the ability wheel (drum) gently into the plus region, and the mires are out of focus.

-slowly rotate the power wheel in the reverse management (towards the lower plus region) until the target just sharply focuses.

(Note: Practice Non oscillate the drum dorsum and forth for best focus). If the lensometer is in proper calibration, the power cycle will read zero.

-in case the power wheel doesn't show zero, refocus the eyepiece and recheck the scale.

If the reading is even so non zero, the sustained mistake should be compensated from the future measurement of lenses with the lensometer.

For example: if the error is +0.50, and so 0.50 should be subtracted from future lens ability. Similarly, if the error is -0.25, then 0.25 should be added in the time to come measurement power.

Structures seen through a transmission lensometer

The lensometer Reticle (Graticule)

While looking through the eyepiece, the black guide with numbered rings attached to it is visible. This is called a lensometer reticle.

The centre of the lensometer reticle consists of a small circle with lines dividing the circle into 4 quarters.

Information technology helps to position the optical center of the lens in the correct surface area. It also helps to marking and locate the major reference betoken in the case of prism (grounded or induced) prescription within the lens.

Likewise, it is as well of import to mark and verify the axis position of sphero-cylindrical lenses. The reticle adjustment knob is used to adjust the position of the manual lensometer reticle.

The Target

Information technology is greenish (or yellow) in colour and appears when the device is switched on. It shows the position of the optical center of the lens. There is a ring of round dots at its middle.

The pocket-sized dots represent the power orientation of the lens as the target rotates with the rotation of the lens.

In the case of a toric lens, the circular dots become small lines oriented in one direction.

Positioning the eyeglasses

-Place the spectacle on the movable spectacle tabular array with the temples facing away from yous. The lens is held in position by the lens holder.

Middle the lens past moving it so that the prototype of the target made by a lens is aligned at the center of the reticle.

-Pacing the lens at this position allows you to measure the back-vertex power of the lens (normal position of the lens when worn).

If you wish to measure the front-vertex power of the lens, you lot can change the placement of the spectacle, upside downwardly.

-if testing a pair of glasses, follow the general convention: always check the right lens first, followed past the left lens.

Determining the power of spherical lenses in a manual lensometer

In a spherical lens, all the lines and dots of the target are in perfect focus at a given setting of the power bike.

  • motility the lens such that the target is exactly at the center of the reticle.
  • rotate the ability wheel (from extreme plus expanse to lower plus and minus area) until the target is clear and sharp. At this position, all the dots and lines should be sharp and separated.
  • echo the aforementioned process for the left lens.

Determining the power of sphero-cylindrical lenses in a manual lensometer

Neutralizing spherical and cylindrical components of a toric lens involves a completely unlike approach than you do for neutralizing the power of a spherical lens.

With the help of a few tips, however, you tin measure the ability very fast and with accuracy. For that, you must pay key attention to the fundamental orientation of the dots and the clarity of lines and dots.

Process of toric lens ability measurement in a manual lensometer

Step one (finding the spherical power)

  • Rotate the power drum until one prepare of lines and stretched dots become clear. Start from the higher plus area (or lower minus).
  • Rotate the axis pulsate to ensure that the lines are unbroken and clear.
  • At this betoken, note the ability reading on the power wheel.

Footstep 2 (finding the minus cylindrical power)

  • Rotate the power drum until the 2nd set of lines and stretched dots get clear. Kickoff from the college plus area (or lower minus).
  • Once more, Rotate the centrality drum to ensure that the lines are unbroken and clear.
  • At this signal, note the power reading on the power wheel.
  • The 2d power reading minus the first power reading gives the cylindrical power value of the lens.

Step three (finding the centrality)

  • Observe the direction of the lines and stretched dots at the second reading. Note the axis value towards which the lines are oriented. This is the cylindrical centrality of the lens.
  • Record your concluding result. Example –2.00 – 1.l x 155
  • Repeat the same process to measure the back-vertex power of the sphero-cylindrical lens of the left eye.

To transpose the cylinder in plus power, rotate the centrality past 90 degrees and kickoff over. Or, yous can follow the transposition technique:

  • decrease the cylinder power from the sphere power. This will be the spherical power of the given lens.
  • change the power sign of the cylindrical power (just the power value will remain the same).
  • add 90 degrees to the centrality; this will exist the new axis of the given lens.

Mark the optical heart of the lens

  • make sure that the prototype of mires made past the lens coincides with the center of the target.
  • at this detail position, the lens is correctly placed and the optical center can be marked.
  • if there is a fundamental band instead of pocket-size dots, the ring tin be framed inside the lines of the reticle to locate the center.
  • mark a dot at the optical center with the spotting ink-marker fastened with the ink pad.
  • repeat a similar procedure for the left lens.

How to read add power on lensometer?: For bifocal and progressive lenses

Nearly multifocal lenses are on front surface pattern. Therefore, to accurately decide the reading power of bifocal, trifocal, or varifocal lenses, front vertex powers should be measured.

For a small corporeality of power in the reading and altitude portion of lenses, it is not necessary to measure the front end vertex power, but for higher power (greater than +2.50D), the spectacle should exist turned around in the lensometer to measure the front vertex power.

(NOTE: higher reading ability will show more plus than they actually are when using the back-vertex measurement instead of the front end-vertex measurement.)

  • subsequently measuring the spherical and cylindrical power of the distance portion of a multifocal lens, place the reading portion of a lens on the lens finish and refocus on the single line.
  • the add together, or reading power, is the difference between the distance power and the reading portion of spherical power.
  • to determine the difference in power, focus merely on the power of the single line (ignore the power of the 2nd ready of lines) in the reading part of the lens.


Distance Rx: +two.50/-0.50 x lx

Reading expanse power: +5.50

Last Rx: +two.50/-0.fifty x 60/+3.00D

When measuring add ability in progressive add-on lenses (PAL), select the area of least distortion in both the distance and the reading portions of the lenses.

Similarly, measure the reading power at the expanse as close to the bottom of the lens as possible.

How to read prism on lensometer?

If you are confused about how to read prism on lensometer, follow the elementary tricks. If at that place are less than v prism diopters in the lens, follow the given steps:

  • count the number of black concentric circles from the center of the target to the heart of the vertical and horizontal cross of mires. Each circumvolve represents 1 prism diopter.
  • to record the base of the prism, determine the management of displacement of the mires every bit:
  • mires displaced upward-prism is base up
  • mires displaced downwards-prism is base downward
  • mires displaced towards the nose-prism is base in
  • mires displaced towards temple-prism is base out

How to read prism on lensometer if prism power is greater than 5 prism

To measure the prism power greater than five prism diopters, use the auxiliary prisms in a transmission lensometer.

Because the single (or both) sphere line is not visible in the display, in prism power greater than five prism diopters.

  • hold the loose prism (due south) over the lens. The power of loose prism which brings the mires back to the center of the graticule is the power of the prism in the lens but in the opposite orientation.

Too Read:

⇒ 5 Tips on Eye Wellness: How to Keep Eyes Salubrious and Cute

⇒ Understand All Most Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) Earlier It's Besides Late

⇒ Now Is The Fourth dimension For You To Know About the Impact Of Using Gadgets On Eyes.

⇒ Secrets About Contact Lenses Merely Smart People Know

How To Use A Lensometer,


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